Saturday, July 24, 2010


Life goes on no matter what..whether you got bad grades or whether you are financially stuck or whether your love life is a mess or you lost your dear one..still life just goes on....thats the most beautiful aspect of life!..
And there are times when we feel that we(only we) are facing the worst phases of life...thats not true cuz everyone does face it one time or the other...but just like all other phases of life even the worst phases also pass if you get emotionally upset over something get over it cuz life and time does not wait for you to be back to your normal self and before you realise it you may as well lose something or someone precious or important too!! matter what maybe the outcome you have to fight bravely against all odds and it doesnt matter whether you win or lose..then what matters?...the fact that we have survived against all the odds...if we realise this then instead of getting upset we become stronger and the next time we will make a choice in which there are chances for the outcome to be good! or at least satisfactory but dont just ever ever give up....and am grateful to GOD for everything in my life..

I am a beginner at painting and i saw this rose on my slambook and decided to draw it...though i failed to capture its beauty perfectly but still i am satisfied with my


Anonymous said...

nice work at your painting!

i have learnt many things and went through lot of pain during this one year.....but am glad i lived upto what God expected from me!He is the one who gave me strength...and am happy to learn certain things at an early age!

good job maya....with your post...

maya said...

*blush blush*thanks for the
i am glad to know that you were able to get out of difficult times..makes me feel proud to have a friend like you bella!!..:):):D


Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets...Once a 'Great Man' said.."Life is a WAR and each moment is a BATTLE, the one who puts a no fight is already a dead man!"

**now don't ask who the 'Great Man' is**

maya said...

umm i agree with you pragyan..what u said is what i was implying in my post..
(in btwn-who is this great man?.."blink blink"..)
hehe i have this habit of doing that that am told not to do..hehe..besides am curious to know who this great man is!!..

beanizer_05 said...

beautiful realization:)

can you paint me too??

maya said...

*blushn*-thank u bean!!..
yah i will paint urs if u show me ur pic..:):)